Rachel, 26

What has been your biggest struggle with losing weight and achieving your fitness goals?
Staying consistent with exercise.
What made you want to change?
I wanted to better my health and become confident in the gym.
What was your biggest concern before you began working with me? How did you overcome it?
I was worried about being 100% honest and vulnerable and the possibility of failing again...
What was the hardest thing for you to change in order to succeed? How did you do it?
Changing my mindset when it came to not having shakes, and just realizing that its okay to eat real foods.( Long process but I got there!)
What was the lowest point of your journey? How did you overcome it?
The scales were a tough one...but seeing the progress photos and measurements helped.
Did you achieve what you initially set out for? Was there anything positive you achieved that you didn't expect?
Yes and no. I still have a long way to go... but I am way more confident in the gym, and mentally I can go days without worrying about food and survive lol
Looking back, was working with me what you thought it would be? Do you feel you made the right decision?
Yes and yes!Although, I think you were way more involved than what I first thought..which is a GOOD thing! ????Knowing you actually cared was the best and having to be accountable to you helped me.
What was your favorite part of about working with me?
Be being able to send you Snapchat vents, haha sorry about that!
What are your future health and fitness plans?
To keep up my gym routine.. 3 days a week and walk in between, and take on what you have suggested with calorie intake. ????