Joanne, 27

Body Stats:
- Before Measurements
- Waist: 29.5 inches
- Hips: 33.5 inches
- Current Measurements
- Waist: 26 inches
- Hips: 32 inches
Not knowing what's going on. Like when you started, I had an overall idea. Eat less bad food, eat more fruits and veggies, need more protein, & workout. But I didn't know the specifics.
More protein to me probably meant "eat more chicken," but how much?
same thing with working out - I didn't know the differences between cardio and weight lifting.
I'm young. I wanted to be able to enjoy the best of my body and my mind while being young. And I wanted knowledge that could continuously keep me healthy moving forward. And also that family friend who was ridiculously fit made me re-think my life.
My biggest concern before working with you was finding a personal trainer I could trust. There is so many misinformation and contradictions out there. "Eat X protein" or "eat Y protein" or "you don't need Z protein." It's quite a struggle to do your own research when there's 6 articles on the same topic giving 6 different opinions.
I wanted to find someone that could point me in the right direction without being a nut-job (you're a little nutty, though).
How did I overcome it? I think you're openness and honesty helped a lot. Knowing that you've been through the struggle and you understand the mental difficulties really helped me connect and trust you more. And also a lot of your content was about dismissing fluff - and I hate fluff. I'm a firm believer in 'if it sounds too good to be true it probably is'
Mentality. I think for females as well, there's a fine line between being healthy and stepping into a really dark area called eating disorder. For me, it was understanding the core concepts - the 80% - eating well and working out is the crux of it. But the other 20% - for me this was the hardest to grasp. I'm not going to get fat by eating that snickers bar. Or half a pint of ben and jerrys.
However, at the beginning, I was seriously restricting myself, but it didn't stop at 'bad' foods, eventually I would always lead to restricting certain whole foods because they were 'too many calories'. Eating does not make you fat. Eating too much does.
How did I overcome? Education. Take a moment out to seriously understand how food and calorie works. It's really hard to describe and I know a lot of people can't grasp the concept.
TBH I don't think I've had a 'lowest' point. I've had plenty of times where I wasn't proud of myself - eating too many cookies
, had one slice of pizza too many etc. Having you there changing my mentality really helped. Again, understanding that I can it. I'm allowed to eat. I don't have to live the rest of my life just eating whole foods. It's all part of life really. And when the next gym day comes around, you start again.
Yes, yes and more YES!
I understand what working out means. The difference between workouts etc. cardio and weights. I understand my caloric/protein targets a lot better.
One thing I didn't expect to learn? The 80/20 rule. Such a simple concept but I don't think enough people understand it. It's such a weird thing to explain...
For instance, I go out with a group of friends, and I'm eating at my normal pace. Maybe a little more because I know I've worked out and I can take myself up to 1800 that one day. People are giving me compliments on how great my body looks. And those people are restricting themselves in terms of food. And I'm keep to saying 'you need to eat more and workout'.
The two words 'eat more' does not click with them. They refuse to believe that they can eat more and still look slim.And it's probably because they restrict then binge. They don't fully grasp the 80/20 rule yet. I'm going in circles, lol does this make sense?
You are the WORST personal trainer EVER?No seriously #noregrets.
One of the best decisions fitness-wise was signing up with you.
I'm a pretty impulsive person. TBH I didn't do much research. You came up on my Instagram feed once and I downloaded your 14day course. Honestly, I would probably never sign up for something like this in fear of a scam. But I just did. I really enjoyed the first Skype call and how you insisted on it - really made me feel like are interested in 'me' and not just signing me up as a 'number'.
I think what really drove me to go ahead as well is that, you've done it. You can relate. You're not some genetic-lucky body builder who's sitting there telling people to eat less and work more. You've done that hard yard and I really appreciate that.
What I really like about you? You're always there and there's no such thing as a big mistake with you. And I think that comes back to your fitness journey. You know that sometimes you get off the track but a simple nudge a reminder can get you back on it. You're really supportive. You really know how to say 'no' in a way that doesn't make me feel bad.
E.g. The cookie situation. When I was struggling with that - you couldn't said something a long the lines of 'no cookies fatso!' Or something like thatbut instead you chose a more lighter path 'no cookies. Not tonight. Plan for it tomorrow' not only was this supportive, it reinforced the 80/20 rule in my head.
Continue to do what I do but not as focused (for the short term until I sort things out). 80/20 rule for life!