Pamela, 27

Body Stats:
- Before Weight: 135 lbs
- After Weight: 126 lbs
- Before Measurements:
- 87.5 cm waist
- After Measurements:
- 79 cm waist
What has been your biggest struggle with losing weight and achieving your fitness goals?
The biggest struggle was not over-reacting and beating myself up when I spiral into an overeating episode but instead choosing to pick myself up rather than let it affect the next day.
What made you want to change?
I was at my heaviest weight and one day I decided that life was for me to live, so I opted to choose to do something rather than fret about it.
What was the hardest thing for you to change in order to succeed? How did you do it?
For me it mainly was the mental aspect about it; seeing this change as a lifestyle, life-long thing, and choosing to adopt a kinder, more patient approach towards myself.
What was the lowest point of your journey? How did you overcome it?
Whenever I over-ate or binge ate I felt really bad. Same when my weight wasn't progressing as I felt it should. I chose to focus on what I could do, which was to continue with my exercise and eating routines and not pay attention to my weight.
Did you achieve what you initially set out for? Was there anything positive you achieved that you didn't expect?
To be honest, I was hoping to be slightly lighter after 6 months, but only slightly. But nevermind the weight, I am so glad that my waist circumference is down! Also quite glad to have good macro tracking experience now too!
Looking back, was working with me what you thought it would be? Do you feel you made the right decision?
I had no idea what to expect. But yes, I am sincerely glad I made this decision.The accountability, the sheer consciousness that I was reporting to someone frequently, truly helped me set this habit of tracking my diet and exercising and being kind to myself. Not to mention the experience in tracking my macros!
What was your favorite part about working with me?
I enjoyed getting knowledge and information on tracking and exercising, as well as the different training programs provided by you! And of course your positivity and encouragement every day!
What are your future health and fitness plans?
Keep tracking my food intake, keep working out in the gym as planned, and taking the effort to work more! (: